Bridgit Loeffelholz
The other day, I may or may not have been driving to a beautiful wonderland known as Chipotle. It was raining, and I was wearing sweatpants. Then I was hit, like a strike of lightning down from the clouds, with an entrepreneurial idea.
Everyone likes burritos, and a lot of people also like attractive people.
Ping! Idea!
Picture this: a Chipotle delivery service where you are also paired with someone you could potentially hit it off with. How would this be achieved? By deriving a sizzling burrito related math equation that chemically related all possible combinations of ingredients (factoring in extra portions of things like cheese and sour cream) and mathematically pairing you with a likely soul mate based on burrito filling choices and possibly also an actual compatibility test.
Please hold the applause, okay. Stay in your seats, don’t get up on my behalf.
I know this is pure genius, you don’t need to tell me.
I mean, honestly, true love can, and will be found in Chipotles all around the land of the free and the home of the brave: America. Chipotle is an addiction, as is love.
As an extension of my newest business proposal, I’ve also thought of the future when the success is off the charts, people are in love, and buying more burritos than ever; the drive through wedding chapel will be added to the Northernmost point of all Chipotle restaurants. They, of course, will cater and supply cuisine to a maximum of five guests. I’ve basically found a way to maximize the number of happy couples on U.S. soil while helping the economy boom and cut the divorce rate 47%. Can you say the same?
Sarah says food is love. Or was that Paula Deen?