Ryan Lowe
If you keep up with the EHS political climate, you’ve probably heard of the upcoming student council election. I have dreamed of being on the EHS student council since I was one year old, but tragically, I didn’t know there was an EHS student council until nearly two weeks after the application deadline. When I pleaded my case to the Vice President, my request to run was turned down. In any other situation, I would have simply taken this defeat in stride, and moved on with my life. However, as a junior, I will not get a chance to run for EHS student council ever again. So I looked into the mirror. I looked at myself, and I said, “It’s now or never.”
You may know me from my time volunteering for various charities. Perhaps you’ve received one of my many high fives. Or maybe you’ve read my hit editorial about water pressure in the March issue of Zephyrus. Whatever the case, my status as beloved hero at EHS is well established. I believe that I was born on this earth for a reason. That reason, is to serve you, the students of EHS. I would never wish to disparage my fellow human (I strongly endorse the use of kindness and peace, a quality that is rare these days), however, it has come to my attention that many of the current student council members do not solely work in the interest of the student body as they claim to.
When I heard of these allegations, I was utterly appalled. Outraged. Astounded. I wanted to break my furniture. After several weeks of contemplation, I came to terms with the state of the world. But instead of taking it lying down. I decided that I would fight. Fight for you, the students. Fight for the little guy. Fight for democracy!
I am excited to announce that I, Ryan Lowe, will be running for EHS student council. Without the support of the administration, my campaign will be challenging, but I believe that if we all come together to fight for what we believe in, we can change this school for the better. If this message resonates with you, I implore you to share my candidacy with your friends and family. I will be delivering a speech in Fick Auditorium during Flex Time, on Thursday, April 18th. Thank you all for your support.