courtesy of Giselle Hayes
Images, Edina High School’s literary art magazine, is compiling its 2018-2019 issue. Joined by this year’s staff, lead editors Liam Doyle, Giselle Hayes, and Elsa Hetletvedt have begun collecting art submissions from EHS students until the submission deadline in December.
Images is a student published book that curates paintings, photography, poetry, and other forms of art to create their annual book. “What makes it unique is that it is not what we make because it is what the students make. I don’t think that students have enough opportunity to showcase their art and creative abilities [at EHS], so it is really important for students to have that outlet,” senior Giselle Hayes said.
Images encourages all students to submit art, regardless of their skill level, in order to represent the diverse population of students. This year’s Images crew consists of three editors—layout editor, creative editor, and head editor—and a group of about 15 staff members.
One of the difficulties that Images has experienced is publicity. “[One difficulty] has been getting people to join. We have always had kind of a small club,” senior Liam Doyle said. In response, they have begun advertising their club on social media and through posters around the school.
Despite the size of their club, Images has been able to refine and improve their publication each year. “The year before last year the pictures were very pixelated because there was some kind of formatting error, but last year I was really proud because we got everything clear and made a clean looking book. I am hoping we can do that again this year,” Doyle said.
Both Doyle and Hayes are looking forward to what this year’s publication will hold. “The staff that is coming together is really skilled. I can just see that the elements that each person brings are going to make the book and theme really flow,” Hayes said.
Interested students can submit artwork, buy a copy of the magazine for $20, and apply to be on staff next year.